Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do you have a pain or numbness in your hand that has been there for months and won’t go away? If you do, don’t pass this off as a passing cramp or regular pain. This pain can be the result of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the result of an entrapped nerve in [...]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome2024-01-29T14:50:01-05:00

3 Things to Know When Your Child Has A Sprain

No  one wants to see their child hurt. Sometimes children play hard and rough causing them to get injured, and one of the more common injuries to the musculoskeletal system is a sprain. What is a sprain? A sprain occurs when the ligaments overstretch or tear. Ankles, wrists and knees sprain more easily than other [...]

3 Things to Know When Your Child Has A Sprain2018-12-18T13:54:23-05:00

What is Tennis Elbow and What are Your Treatment Options?

When serving up the ball at your next tennis match it is important to avoid over-exertion to prevent unnecessary injuries on the court. Lateral epicondylitis, also known as Tennis Elbow occurs when tendons in your elbow are overworked, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. The pain suffers feel is attributed to tendons [...]

What is Tennis Elbow and What are Your Treatment Options?2018-12-18T13:55:12-05:00

How Different Surfaces Affect Your Running

Did you know the surface a runner chooses to run on can have different effects on their body? Running on hard surfaces can sometimes lead to more stress and result in injuries like inflation in the achilles tendon, shin splints and stress fractures in the small bones of the foot or ankle. Running on soft [...]

How Different Surfaces Affect Your Running2018-12-18T13:56:03-05:00